Sitting at home, a european conference, and just keep working!

Postcard 1
Postcard 2

I’m just continuing to work on the postcards – the ones I’ve included today, might be close to finished.

All day I’ve been attending a European conference which is totally online: Alliances & Commonalities 2022, and it is coming out of Stockholm University. The first session asked us to do an “attention” task and record it and send to them – they will show something with the recordings on Saturday, the final day. Here is what I recorded: “My colleague Ruth is also zooming, quite loudly as she negotiates her future work. Unbelievably I am sitting gazing at the troll’s seat in the gigantic fjord of Isafjordur. A small red boat is dwarfed by the mountain as it sits in the blue grey of the water. My room is warm and the view is of 40 something people engaged in a zoom meeting in front of an unbelievably beautiful landscape. A woman walks her dog in what I know is a very cold air, with a chill wind.

There have been a few very interesting presentations – a New Zealand presentation about weaving methodology; and PhD candidate who used a huge archive of materials put together by a South African documenter – this was in the style of an “exposition” which is less linear, top to bottom, or even slide to slide, as we are used to. A page is an expandable online space where multimedia elements can be put together. I’m thinking of re-doing a presentation about the transition from ‘Listening in the Anthropocene’ to ‘Crevice Communities’ in this exposition style in order to present at a European conference next year.

Anyway, back to the Postcards – I just must keep working!

Postcard 3
Postcard 4 of (currently) 10 (in progress)

2 thoughts on “Sitting at home, a european conference, and just keep working!”

  1. Liking what you are doing Jenni. The blue and white really seem to reflect your environment of snow, ice and sky. I have been meeting weekly by zoom with some American artists. A virtual residency within a physical residency. Interesting juxtapositions – blogging with you in Iceland and zoom links with America and living in an old (by Australian white settlement standards) heritage environment.

    1. Thanks, Donna – I wonder if I should worry about the white of the card in the background – however, I’m just continuing to work as I said – using unifying stitches and objects. I’m enjoying the work – and as I said before trying not to judge.

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