Crevice Communities Exhibition 2021

Milena Popov – Nena
Four Seasons
Video, colour, sound

In this series of videos that follows seasonal changes in my family garden, I collaborated with my parents. The series is inspired by traditional East Asian paintings of four seasons. Seasonal changes not only symbolize the life cycle (and other cyclical systems that exist in the universe), but also virtues of the natural world that can cultivate one’s mind if one is open for learning. Each video starts with a haiku poem by Matsuo Basho.

Dr. Milena Popov – Nena is a New York City-based interdisciplinary artist and scholar. Popov teaches at The City University of New York. She is the recipient of many grants, honors, and awards, and has exhibited her artworks at 27 solo and over 70 group exhibits worldwide.

Provenance: Invited, not peer reviewed.

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